存储附加索引 (SAI) 快速入门
要开始使用存储附加索引 (SAI),我们将执行以下步骤
创建一个 keyspace。
创建一个 使用 SAI 的索引。
创建并运行使用 SAI 的查询。
本快速入门主题中的示例显示了具有非分区键列的 SAI 索引。
创建一个 keyspace
在 cqlsh
中,定义 cycling
keyspace 以在测试环境中尝试命令
WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : '1' };
使用 cqlsh
或 CQL 控制台,在 cycling
keyspace 或您选择的 keyspace 名称中创建一个 cyclist_semi_pro
数据库 表
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (
id int,
firstname text,
lastname text,
age int,
affiliation text,
country text,
registration date,
在数据库表上创建 SAI 索引
要测试非平凡查询,您需要一些 SAI 索引。使用 CREATE CUSTOM INDEX 命令在 cyclist_semi_pro
表中的一些非主键列上创建 SAI 索引
CREATE INDEX lastname_sai_idx ON cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (lastname)
USING 'sai'
WITH OPTIONS = {'case_sensitive': 'false', 'normalize': 'true', 'ascii': 'true'};
CREATE INDEX age_sai_idx ON cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (age)
USING 'sai';
CREATE INDEX country_sai_idx ON cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (country)
USING 'sai'
WITH OPTIONS = {'case_sensitive': 'false', 'normalize': 'true', 'ascii': 'true'};
CREATE INDEX registration_sai_idx ON cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (registration)
USING 'sai';
DESCRIBE TABLE cycling.cyclist_semi_pro;
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (
affiliation text,
age int,
country text,
firstname text,
lastname text,
registration date
) WITH additional_write_policy = '99PERCENTILE'
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.LZ4Compressor'}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND nodesync = {'enabled': 'true', 'incremental': 'true'}
AND read_repair = 'BLOCKING'
AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';
CREATE INDEX registration_sai_idx ON cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (registration) USING 'sai';
CREATE INDEX country_sai_idx ON cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (country) USING 'sai' WITH OPTIONS = {'normalize': 'true', 'case_sensitive': 'false', 'ascii': 'true'};
CREATE INDEX age_sai_idx ON cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (age) USING 'sai';
CREATE INDEX lastname_sai_idx ON cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (lastname) USING 'sai' WITH OPTIONS = {'normalize': 'true', 'case_sensitive': 'false', 'ascii': 'true'};
命令向 cyclist_semi_pro
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (1, 'Carlos', 'Perotti', 22, 'Recco Club', 'ITA', '2020-01-12');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (2, 'Giovani', 'Pasi', 19, 'Venezia Velocità', 'ITA', '2016-05-15');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (3, 'Frances', 'Giardello', 24, 'Menaggio Campioni', 'ITA', '2018-07-29');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (4, 'Mark', 'Pastore', 19, 'Portofino Ciclisti', 'ITA', '2017-06-16');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (5, 'Irene', 'Cantona', 24, 'Como Velocità', 'ITA', '2012-07-22');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (6, 'Hugo', 'Herrera', 23, 'Bellagio Ciclisti', 'ITA', '2004-02-12');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (7, 'Marcel', 'Silva', 21, 'Paris Cyclistes', 'FRA', '2018-04-28');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (8, 'Theo', 'Bernat', 19, 'Nice Cavaliers', 'FRA', '2007-05-15');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (9, 'Richie', 'Draxler', 24, 'Normandy Club', 'FRA', '2011-02-26');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (10, 'Agnes', 'Cavani', 22, 'Chamonix Hauteurs', 'FRA', '2020-01-02');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (11, 'Pablo', 'Verratti', 19, 'Chamonix Hauteurs', 'FRA', '2006-05-15');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (12, 'Charles', 'Eppinger', 24, 'Chamonix Hauteurs', 'FRA', '2018-07-29');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (13, 'Stanley', 'Trout', 30, 'Bolder Boulder', 'USA', '2016-02-12');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (14, 'Juan', 'Perez', 31, 'Rutgers Alumni Riders', 'USA', '2017-06-16');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (15, 'Thomas', 'Fulton', 27, 'Exeter Academy', 'USA', '2012-12-15');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (16, 'Jenny', 'Hamler', 28, 'CU Alums Crankworkz', 'USA', '2012-07-22');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (17, 'Alice', 'McCaffrey', 26, 'Pennan Power', 'GBR', '2020-02-12');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (18, 'Nicholas', 'Burrow', 26, 'Aberdeen Association', 'GBR', '2016-02-12');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (19, 'Tyler', 'Higgins', 24, 'Highclere Agents', 'GBR', '2019-07-31');
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_semi_pro (id, firstname, lastname, age, affiliation, country, registration) VALUES (20, 'Leslie', 'Boyd', 18, 'London Cyclists', 'GBR', '2012-12-15');
在本快速入门主题中添加数据显示了简单的 INSERT
命令。要使用许多行加载数据库,请考虑使用 DataStax Bulk Loader for Apache Cassandra。
尝试 CQL 查询
支持具有 SAI 索引的表的查询运算符:* 数字: |
SELECT * FROM cycling.cyclist_semi_pro WHERE lastname = 'Eppinger';
id | affiliation | age | country | firstname | lastname | registration
12 | Chamonix Hauteurs | 24 | FRA | Charles | Eppinger | 2018-07-29
(1 rows)
查找年龄小于或等于 23 岁的半职业自行车手
SELECT * FROM cycling.cyclist_semi_pro WHERE age <= 23;
id | affiliation | age | country | firstname | lastname | registration
10 | Chamonix Hauteurs | 22 | FRA | Agnes | Cavani | 2020-01-02
11 | Chamonix Hauteurs | 19 | FRA | Pablo | Verratti | 2006-05-15
1 | Recco Club | 22 | ITA | Carlos | Perotti | 2020-01-12
8 | Nice Cavaliers | 19 | FRA | Theo | Bernat | 2007-05-15
2 | Venezia Velocità | 19 | ITA | Giovani | Pasi | 2016-05-15
4 | Portofino Ciclisti | 19 | ITA | Mark | Pastore | 2017-06-16
20 | London Cyclists | 18 | GBR | Leslie | Boyd | 2012-12-15
7 | Paris Cyclistes | 21 | FRA | Marcel | Silva | 2018-04-28
6 | Bellagio Ciclisti | 23 | ITA | Hugo | Herrera | 2004-02-12
(9 rows)
SELECT * FROM cycling.cyclist_semi_pro WHERE country = 'GBR';
id | affiliation | age | country | firstname | lastname | registration
19 | Highclere Agents | 24 | GBR | Tyler | Higgins | 2019-07-31
18 | Aberdeen Association | 26 | GBR | Nicholas | Burrow | 2016-02-12
20 | London Cyclists | 18 | GBR | Leslie | Boyd | 2012-12-15
17 | Pennan Power | 26 | GBR | Alice | McCaffrey | 2020-02-12
(4 rows)
SELECT * FROM cycling.cyclist_semi_pro WHERE registration > '2010-01-01' AND registration < '2015-12-31' LIMIT 10;
id | affiliation | age | country | firstname | lastname | registration
5 | Como Velocità | 24 | ITA | Irene | Cantona | 2012-07-22
16 | CU Alums Crankworkz | 28 | USA | Jenny | Hamler | 2012-07-22
15 | Exeter Academy | 27 | USA | Thomas | Fulton | 2012-12-15
20 | London Cyclists | 18 | GBR | Leslie | Boyd | 2012-12-15
9 | Normandy Club | 24 | FRA | Richie | Draxler | 2011-02-26
(5 rows)
有关利用 SAI 集合映射、列表和集合的 |